Feeling stuck? You Need To Go Back To Basics!
Yesterday I had a meeting with with my new VA. I thought we’d be simply discussing what I need to get sorted within my business and how she’d be able to support me, but it ended up being so much more than that…
What ended up happening with a mini-coaching session, because as we know every coach needs a coach! Together we brainstormed exactly what my business is all about, why I do what I do and what my overall goals are.
What took me by surprise is that we went RIGHT back to basics with a whiteboard and marker, throwing words up, mind-mapping and asking why and why again, until we both felt like we had got it.
We both found so much clarity, as we used this simple exercise to envisage how we were going to move forward together.
With a simple plan, based around a couple of key words and a one sentence goal, we had mapped out exactly what our action steps were.
What we did together was something so simple and effective, yet I hadn’t sat down and done this for myself since I started my business!
Then it hit me.
This is what I DO for my clients. Getting clarity is one of the major things I help other people with, and here I am I this room doing the same thing for myself.
Our session was powerful and it became so clear, that the most important thing for most of us in business and life to get traction and move forward is to FIND clarity.
So, start at square one. Pair things back. Take some time to figure out what it is you or your business is about. Keep it simple. And have fun!